- Ivory Tower: arrogant and condescending
- Swordsman: combative, defensive, hostile, nitpicky
- Waffler: uncertain and inconsistent
- Automaton: stiff, robotic, confusing, unintelligible
- Salesman: slick and overzealous
The solution? Understand jurors’ innate skepticism and boredom, and become an effective teacher, "the translator for the jury in their journey into a foreign land." Writing in the current issue of The Jury Expert, Gabriel says the expert witness must be both understandable and relevant. How?
- Good teachers break down complex topics into understandable language, without being condescending.
- Good teachers anticipate questions. They "make sure they answer those questions, no matter how basic or obvious they seem."
- Good teachers understand that students have different learning styles, and they use "a mixture of tools to convey their information."
- Good teachers display passion. "Aside from a purely professional or academic interest, experts who resonate with jurors seem to have a personal connection that drives them to a particular level of excellence in their chosen field."
- Good teachers narrate stories. They "know that even the driest subjects can be made interesting by highlighting the conflict, the characters, the action, or the environment within the story."
Photo credit: Xin Le 88's portrait of her tutor (Creative Commons license)