Many people have grave concerns about the potential for a relationship
between pornography and inappropriate sexual behavior. For obvious
reasons, there are apprehensions about the sexual behaviors of those who
have sexually abused. As a result, it is not uncommon for persons who
have sexually abused to be restricted from certain activities that would
have remained available to them had they not sexually offended.
However, questions remain as to whether we are using our professional
energy and resources wisely in trying to prevent persons convicted of
sexual crimes from being sexually active. This point extends to whether
persons who have sexually abused should have access to sexually explicit

There are many reasons not to like pornography. Perhaps women, more than
men, are objectified by pornography. Both women and men have raised
questions about how pornography cheapens and depersonalizes sex. As men
dedicated to sexual violence prevention, we are concerned about both the
demeaning representation of women and the unflattering portrayal of men
(e.g., piggish, self-absorbed, or uncaring) in much commercial
pornography. There are also concerns about the effects of the depiction
of unhealthy, violent, or potentially harmful sexual behaviors. There is
an open question about the long-term effects of exposure to sexually
explicit media. These are important considerations, but as offensive as
pornography is to many people, extant research does not support a causal
relationship between pornography and sexual offending.
Not just academic
Defining pornography remains a challenge. In our field, this is not
simply an academic discussion. Sexual offenders are typically restricted
from possessing any type of pornography, but there are no clear
demarcation points between artistic expressions of the human form,
sexually suggestive images, erotica, or hardcore pornography. When the
legal consequences for possession of any sexual media are so severe,
defining pornography has never been more important.
Jon Brandt |
In the US, numerous court decisions, presidential task forces, and
various think tanks have been unable to produce an agreement or useful
definition of "pornography." With the need for greater precision within
our profession than perhaps elsewhere in public discourse, our field
would benefit from fine-tuning and distinguishing between various types
of sexual media. Using "pornography" to describe all forms of sexual
media is both imprecise and emotionally loaded. It can obscure treatment
needs and interventions. Missed opportunities of therapeutically
beneficial sexual imagery could inadvertently lead to more harm.
Good science or moral panic?
The historical perspective that sexually explicit images are offensive
and therefore must be harmful is such a powerful narrative that it is
difficult to close the gap between what we know about private sexual
behavior and widespread public perceptions. We wonder whether some
restrictions imposed on our clients are the considered application of
good science or a default result of moral panic. If the latter is true,
are therapists complicit in the unwarranted enforcement of social
controls more than the healing arts of rehabilitation?
Gone are the days when pornography originated in adult bookstores or
arrived discreetly in the mail. Most sexual media today is user-produced
and shared through cell phones and the Internet. The use of sexual
media by male teens and adults today is not just normative, it is
pervasive. Science has yet to show any key differences between those who "sext" and those who do not, except for the behavior itself.
Consumption of sexually explicit imagery has been explosive in the last
decade. Sexual content in cyberspace may account for more than 30 percent of
the data transfer of the entire Internet. Starting as teenagers,
consumers are overwhelmingly male, but also include a significant
percentage of women.
David Prescott |
Though controversial and perhaps even counterintuitive, evidence of the
adverse effects of sexual media has not been established. Other than
child pornography, broad sexual media restrictions for most persons who
have sexually abused do not appear to be supported by research.
Frequently, restrictions on "pornography" for such clients include
prohibition of every type of sexual media. Without knowing whether some
level of exposure to some form of sexual media might have some adverse
effects on human behavior, we use a shotgun approach to such
restrictions. These squishy definitions and operatives also compromise
We each entered the field of treating sexual aggression at a time when
professionals assumed that all persons who had sexually abused were at
high risk to persist. Not only has this turned out to be untrue, but the
rates of sexual aggression and re-offense have declined at the very
same time as access to sexually explicit imagery has never been easier.
Although we know of no interactive relationship between these
co-occurring trends, they should each cause us to reconsider our
attitudes and beliefs about what is important in the treatment and
supervision of persons who have sexually abused.
There has been limited research involving pornography's influence on
sexual aggression. The strongest concerns in studies published in
refereed journals include a potentially aggravating influence of routine
pornography use by men already at high risk for re-offending (and/or
higher in entrenched antisociality, sometimes referred to as
psychopathy). Certain types of pornography with high-risk offenders may
also increase risk. Researchers such as
Drew Kingston and
Neil Malamuth
appear to support the cautious position that without more conclusive
research we should evaluate higher risk situations on a case by case
basis. To our knowledge, no studies have as yet produced a credible
indictment of pornography usage among persons who have sexually abused.
No definitive link found
Two additional facts are worthy of consideration. First, both biased and
impartial groups have been funding research for more than 50 years to
find a connection between pornography and sexual offending, and none
have been able to find any definitive link. Second, despite the
explosion of sexual media since the advent of the Internet and rapid
transfer of visual imagery, there has been no increase in rates of
sexual offending—everywhere it has been studied, around the world.
Arguably, the same information superhighway that provides access to
pornography has also brought attention to the numerous media outlets
that remind us that true sexual violence is intolerable.
Robin Wilson |
Several researchers have suggested that the correlation between
pornography and sexual offending is either absent or inverse. A
noteworthy advocate for this theory is sexologist
Milton Diamond of the
University of Hawaii. His
published research on pornography and sexual
offending in the US, Japan, and Europe persuasively argues that the
relationship between pornography and sexual offending is negatively
correlated. Diamond's research appears to also hold true for the
relationship between child pornography and engagement in contact
offenses. If validated, consider the implications of such findings in
mitigating contact offenses against children, as offensive as it may
seem. Perhaps adult pornography really is more offensive than actually
harmful in the treatment and supervision of people who have sexually
What might account for a negative correlation between pornography and
contact offenses? Diamond and others have theorized that sexual media
may provide a vicarious satisfaction of sexual curiosity and/or a
cathartic venting effect for libido. If this theory turns out to be
correct, restricting most sexual offenders from having sexual media
might not just be overly cautious, it might, in individual
circumstances, be counterproductive.
Individual differences proposed
Kingston and Malamuth have challenged some of Diamond's research, but
only to the extent that Diamond's aggregate data, while compelling,
might not apply to certain individuals. Theirs is an important point for
Michael Seto has raised similar concerns with respect to
certain risk factors and child pornography. We can also see how this is
an important aspect to consider. However, a ban on all sexual media for
all persons who have sexually abused appears neither science-based nor
At what point does research become conclusive? It may be that
pornography currently remains too controversial and emotionally charged
for effective public policy to emanate from good science. Nonetheless,
our concern is that broad bans on sexual media may be squandering
resources, at the expense of truly science-based treatment and
supervision elsewhere.
These are not simply academic points. Revoking a person's parole or
violating their probation because of behaviors that are socially
undesirable, rather than an established characteristic of risk or harm,
can be costly to society as well as the individual. All too often, we
implement public policies and impose restrictions on offenders because
we feel better to believe we are doing something to help stop
victimization. However, we should also consider that when we overreach
with risk management, limited resources are stretched thin.
We are not suggesting that pornography use by clients should be ignored.
Following the model of
Risk-Needs-Responsivity, the risk and need
principles may guide the formation of effective therapeutic and
correctional interventions. To that end, clinicians would be wise to
thoroughly assess the effects of sexual media on individual clients (see
appendix). Professionals should avoid restricting clients' access to
sexual media based only on personal values, unsupported professional
beliefs, or undocumented theories. Therapeutic efforts should be focused
on managing abuse-related sexual interests (as opposed to all sexual
interests). Therapists can provide clients with education about healthy
sexuality, with the end goal of a safe, fulfilling, and non-exploitive
sex life.
Given that science continues to better inform us about the psychological
and social dynamics of sexual behavior, we should periodically review
status quo. When scientific trending suggests current policies or
practices might be unfounded, outdated, or perhaps even
counterproductive, we should gather the professional courage to explore
better pathways that might more effectively prevent or mitigate sexual
In assessing the effects of sexual media with individual clients, clinicians might explore:
1) The client's history, current use, and experience with different types of sexual media.
2) The client's use of sexual media compared to normative data.
3) Possible connections between certain sexual media and problematic sexual behavior.
4) Escalating or compulsive patterns of the use of sexual media.
5) The possible relationships of sexual media to the index offense(s).
6) The use of sexual media as socially or psychologically protective measures.
7) How sexual media could be interfering with relationships.
8) The use of sexual media to explore or satisfy sexuality curiosity.
9) How sexual media is an element of libido management.
10) Whether clients might benefit from a modified use of sexual media.
11) The possible therapeutic or conditioning benefits of proscriptive sexual media.
12) Sexual media that might be contraindicated therapeutically or socially.
13) The legal hazards or consequences for accessing certain types of sexual media.
14) Limitations on certain sexual media for specific higher-risk offenders.
15) The various risk factors involved in client’s access to sexual media
via the Internet, cell phones, digital cameras, Wi-Fi communication
devices, and social networking websites.
16) The degree to which clients can exercise internal controls in
managing sexual media or to what level external controls might be
beneficial to aid in risk management.
17) How clients can move from external controls to internal controls
prior to discharge from treatment or supervision in anticipation of
independent management.
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Williams, K.M., et al. (2009). Inferring sexually deviant behavior from
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arrests. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 25.
*Originally published at the Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment (SAJRT) blog. Republished by permission of the authors.
Of related interest: Salon - Did porn warp me forever? Like other boys my age, I grew up with unlimited access to smut. At 23, I wonder if it's totally screwed me up, by Isaac Abel.