Murphy seamlessly traces the 700-year history of successive
Catholic Inquisitions to expose their underlying mechanisms, and highlight the
fundamental similarities between then and now. The "enhanced interrogation"
practiced at Guantanamo is not so different from the Roman rigoros esamine
(rigorous examination), he explains. Indeed, modern interrogation methods as
outlined in a U.S. Army manual eerily parallel to the sophisticated techniques first outlined in an inquisition manual from the 1300s.
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Inquisition waterboarding |
But inquisitions require certain tangible assets, and it is
these that the modern world possesses in abundance:
- A bureaucratic machinery: Bureaucracies are self-perpetuating and expansionistic. They require no evil conspiracy at the helm. Take the Transportation Security Administration, whose methods since 9/11 have grown ever more "invasive, mindless, and routine": A single "credible tip" can get one's name added to the 440,000 on a secret terrorism watch list; but people are not allowed to find out if their names are on that official list. Shades of the inquisition? Repressive regimes are, at base, record-keeping regimes.
- Surveillance: As far back as 1796, philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte noted that "the chief principle of a well-regulated police state" was the ability to identify its citizens and keep track of their activities and whereabouts. Murphy shows how the modern surveillance state has expanded to new heights in the wake of 9/11, especially in the United States and in England. As a British surveillance leader justifies it, "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear." The game of surveillance, says Murphy, ratchets forever upward, so that what was heretofore unimaginable is constantly becoming the new normal.
- Censorship: Just as the Vatican has its catalogues of banned books (which Murphy spent time examining), the Internet has its "choke points" that can be manipulated to deny the public access to information. Less obvious but no less sinister are today's "mobious strips of the like-minded," creating an "epistemic closure" in which people are able to avoid exposure to information that might challenge their assumed realities.
Whereas both the targets of an inquisition and the motives
of the inquisitors can shift with time and place, these tangible underpinnings - proof of identity, efficient record-keeping,
a network of informers, surveillance, denunciations, interrogations - remain
constant. And they are all ubiquitous in the modern world.
The history lessons Murphy is able to impart in God's Jury owe in part to the Vatican's
decision to open its archives (although only up to 1939) to outside scrutiny, an
unprecedented boon to scholars. Murphy is a fluid writer, and his descriptions
of the archives and their contents contain
so many riveting nuggets that the book's pages fairly turn themselves.
Forensic psychologists may be especially interested in his
description of interrogations and false confessions, so parallel in many ways
to what we witness today in style, if not in content. Armed with a manual on
witchcraft, Mallens Maleficarum (which Murphy describes as a cross between Monty
Python and Mein Kampf), inquisitors sallied far and wide in search of purported
witches, whom they coerced through now-familiar techniques of shaping to admit
to such things as having sex with the devil.
God's Jury is unsettling. But Murphy does
offer a ray of hope. Just as the inquisitions of yester-year were extinguished by
the Enlightenment ("the intellectual equivalent of habitat destruction"), Murphy maintains that there is a remedy for contemporary
inquisitions. He does not believe they can be legislated away, although more
power to those who are valiantly trying to place legal limits on repression.
Rather, he believes that "the most effective ally" against inquisitionism is the "seventh virtue" of humility. Inquisitions can only occur, he argues, when those in power insist with absolute certainty that they hold the one
and only absolute truth, and that everyone else is wrong.
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Of related interest: NPR's "The inquisition: A model for modern interrogators," which includes a downloadable podcast and an excerpt from God's Jury
Of related interest: NPR's "The inquisition: A model for modern interrogators," which includes a downloadable podcast and an excerpt from God's Jury
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