In a new issue of Crime and Delinquency, Scott Camp and colleagues report data suggesting that the answer is "yes" but the extent of the effects depends on personal characteristics.
Alicia Rozycki Lozano and colleagues examine the connection between prison tattoos and criminality in their new article in the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. As a group, offenders with prison tattoos are at higher risk for recidivism and incur more institutional infractions than do offenders with non-prison tattoos or no tattoos, the authors report.
Several articles in the new issue of Homicide Studies might pique your interest:
- Amy Nivette reports on the limitations of using cross-national research to identify predictors of homicide.
- Sharon Smith and colleagues of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used qualitative analyses to derive four categories that they hope will improve understanding of sexually motivated homicides.
- Melanie-Angela Neuilly and colleagues present a classification tree analysis, based on 320 homicide offenders in New Jersey, that they contend is useful in predicting recidivism.
- Jeff Gruenewald compared homicides committed by extremists with those perpetrated by other types of persons in the United States. He found both similarities and differences.
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