March 18, 2010

Training update: March 25 in Seaside, California

Ethics and forensic diagnosis

For you Californians, I’ve got some good news on the training that I am giving at the Forensic Mental Health Association conference March 24-26 in Seaside. The organizers have just doubled my time slot: I will now be presenting for the entire afternoon of Thursday, March 25. If you are free that day, there is still time to sign up. Registration information is online HERE.

My topic is Ethical Considerations in Psychiatric Diagnoses in Forensic and Correctional Settings. I will give an overview of ethics issues in the use of diagnostic labels in court and in correctional settings before focusing specifically on controversial diagnoses that are often invoked in adversarial legal contexts. Diagnoses of focus will include Antisocial Personality Disorder and the sexual paraphilias, including pedophilia and the novel diagnoses being proposed for the upcoming DSM-5 (e.g., "Paraphilic Coercive Disorder" and "Pedohebephilia").

Please note that the time listed in the program brochure for my training is incorrect. My new, expanded time slot is from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m.

This year's legal track, focusing on competency to stand trial in California (see my previous blog post), has also been expanded and will include some exciting new presenters.

All types of continuing education credits are being offered for professionals in the fields of mental health, law, and law enforcement.

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