March 1, 2010

Breaking news: Mitchell labeled as malingerer, ruled competent

Checking for updates on the Elizabeth Smart case for tonight's lecture on competency restoration, I see that the judge ruled just moments ago that Brian David Mitchell is competent to stand trial.

In an opinion that went on for a hefty 149 pages, U.S. District Judge Dale Kimball agreed with prosecution psychiatrist Michael Welner that Mitchell is a psychopath who is faking mental illness to avoid criminal responsibility. The 56-year-old alleged kidnapper "does not presently suffer from a mental disease or defect that impedes his rational and factual understanding" of the proceedings against him, the judge ruled.

The decision came after a 10-day competency hearing at which Dr. Jennifer Skeem testified that Mitchell suffered from a delusional disorder and was incompetent.

Judge Kimball's 149-page ruling is online HERE.
Today's Associated Press coverage is online HERE.
My previous coverage of the case includes:

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