February 11, 2010

Skeem to give psychopathy training in Oregon

Save the date: Friday, April 9

On the heels of a hugely successful training featuring Stephen Hart of Simon Fraser University on sex offender risk assessment, Alexander Millkey and Michelle Guyton at Northwest Forensic Institute in Portland are doing it again. This time, they've scored Jennifer Skeem of the University of California at Irvine, who will provide advanced training on the controversial construct of psychopathy.

As many of you know, Dr. Skeem is an eminent scholar who has received the prestigious Saleem Shah Award for Early Career Excellence from the American Psychology-Law Society (APA Div 41) and the Distinguished Assistant Professor Award for Research at UC Irvine. She has published more than 70 scientific articles, chapters, and books, and is co-editor and an author of the excellent new book, Psychological Science in the Courtroom: Consensus and Controversy. Her research areas include psychopathy, violence risk assessment, and effective supervision strategies for individuals mandated for psychiatric care.

In this training, she will challenge prevailing assumptions that psychopathy is a unitary and homogeneous construct or something that can be reduced to a score on the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). She will also present data challenging the deeply entrenched idea that people with psychopathic traits are incurable cases that should be diverted from treatment settings to environments where their behavior can merely be monitored and controlled.

The all-day training is on Friday, April 9 at Portland State University, and is followed by a networking reception with Dr. Skeem. Registrants will receive six hours of continuing education credits. The cost is only $175, or $75 for students.

For more information and to register, go to the Institute's website.

1 comment:

  1. Karen, what's your take on the psychopathy concept? Do you think the distinction between anti- or dissocial personality disorder on one hand and psychopathy on the other hand is a valid one?
    By the way, greatly appreciate your blog :)
    (please excuse my broken english, I'm not a native speaker and living in Germany)
