August 7, 2009

Juvenile risk article available to my readers

I recently blogged about an upcoming article in Criminal Justice and Behavior on the use of actuarial tools to predict juvenile sex offender recidivism. (They don’t work.) Thomas Mankowski, the criminology editor at Sage Publications, who also runs the website of the International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology (which owns Criminal Justice and Behavior) just so happens to be a follower of this blog, and he kindly offered to let my readers download the article for free. You should be able to download the entire article ("Assessment of Reoffense Risk in Adolescents Who Have Committed Sexual Offenses: Predictive Validity of the ERASOR, PCL:YV, YLS/CMI, and Static-99" by Jodi Viljoen and colleagues) for free by clicking on the download button, above. I also recommend that you check out the IACFP's blogs section; it's got lots of great news and commentary. Thanks, Tom!

30% discount on IACFP membership

Tom is also offering my blog readers a special rate of 30% off membership in the Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology. The IACFP is an organization of behavioral scientists and practitioners concerned with delivery of high-quality mental health services to criminal offenders, and with promoting and disseminating research on the etiology, assessment, and treatment of criminal behavior. Membership benefits include subscriptions to Criminal Justice and Behavior (click HERE for a free sample issue) and a quarterly newsletter, The Correctional Psychologist, free access to more than 55 criminology journals online, and discounts on various books, educational materials, and conferences. With the discount, a one-year membership is $52.50; student membership is $25. Click HERE to take advantage of this offer. When checking out, enter the Promo Code JULY30% in the "Comments and Special Instructions" field. (Orders are processed manually, so the regular fee appears during checkout but you will be charged the discounted amount.)


  1. I've tried for several days to download the article mentioned above that is supposed to be free. If you click on the download button, it goes to the regular "purchase/subscribe", etc. area and there is no way that I can find how to get it at no cost ?

  2. Dear Lovestowearhats,

    My apologies. Mr. Mankowski over at Sage is still working on getting us free access. He said it should work within a couple of days. If you need it sooner, email me and I can put you in touch with him.
