August 6, 2008

Two new journals

Just what we all need – more journals!

Psychological Injury and Law

The first issue of Psychological Injury and Law has hit the news stands.

Well, not exactly. But it's hit the web, and articles in the premiere issue are available for free downloads without a subscription.

The journal bills itself as "a multidisciplinary forum for the dissemination of research articles and scholarly exchanges about issues pertaining to the interface of psychology and law in the area of trauma, injury, and their psychological impact."

Spearheading the new journal - and an associated new organization, the Association for Scientific Advancement in Psychological Injury and Law - is Gerald Young, a psychology professor at York University in Ontario and co-author of the text, Causality of Psychological Injury: Presenting Evidence in Court and similar texts.

Young and colleagues hope to promote research, guide the application of that research in forensic cases, and improve cross-disciplinary communication.

Topics of focus will include PTSD, chronic pain, traumatic brain injury, and malingering.

Articles in the first issue, available here for free download, include:
  • Expert Testimony on Psychological Injury: Procedural and Evidentiary Issues
  • Forensic Psychology, Psychological Injuries and the Law
  • Psychological Injury and Law: Assumptions and Foundations, Controversies and Myths, Needed Directions
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Current Concepts and Controversies
That final article, by Steven Taylor and Gordon Asmundson, provides a concise summary of PTSD research, with a focus on malingering in the forensic context.

Happy downloading!

The Jury Expert

Also new online is the American Society of Trial Consultants' The Jury Expert. Now in its second issue, the e-journal "features articles by academics, researchers, popular writers and speakers, and trial consultants. The focus is on practical tips for litigators and
on the accurate interpretation and translation of social sciences
theory into litigation practice."

The current issue includes articles on case themes, witness preparation, an overview of eyewitness research, tips for using RSS feeds, a new form of forensic animation, and the use of religion research in legal cases.

The Jury Expert will publish six times per year and - best of all - subscriptions are free.

Check it out here.

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