June 27, 2008

Interesting issue of forensic psychiatry journal

The latest issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law is now available online. The theme is ethics in forensic psychiatry practice.

I found Cheryl Wills' article (here) especially intriguing:

Post-Katrina Juvenile Competency Determinations: A Tale of Two Systems

Natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina have resulted in the displacement of families to locations throughout the nation. Juvenile courts have been affected by this mass migration of youths. Postdisaster recovery has been slow. Consequently, a cohort of youths has aged out of the juvenile justice system before their juvenile competency hearings could be held. Some of these young adults now face charges as adults in criminal courts. The author explores what happens when youths awaiting juvenile competency determinations age out of the system and face charges as adults. The evolution of the problem, the current situation, case examples, and possible solutions are reviewed.
Amnesia and crime

The June issue also includes a point-counterpoint debate on assessing amnesia and crime. Should the approach be neuropsychiatric, as argued by Hal Wortzel and David Arciniegas (here), or psychiatric-clinical, as argued by Dominique Bourget and Laurie Whitehurst (here)?

Review of Campbell's Assessing Sex Offenders

Michael Harlow writes a critical review (here) of the new (second) edition of Terrence W. Campbell's Assessing Sex Offenders: Problems and Pitfalls. (To see the new edition itself at Amazon, click here.)

Legal case summaries

And, last but not least, we get summaries of interesting recent court cases on:
Click here for the full table of contents.

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